Teaching Inverse Functions with Cryptografy

“Teaching Inverse Functions with Cryptology: An Interactive Approach” was a talk presented by Lisa Harden and Leandro Junes at the 37th AMATYC annual conference in Austin, TX, November 11, 2011. You can download here some of the materials we used during this presentation.

If you like a copy of the slides for this conference, click on the image above. We will post a video based on these slides soon.

The files for the inverse function lesson/activity can be downloaded below. All these are PDF files except for the software that is an executable file (Windows).

Software: I developed this program using C++. If you find bugs, please let me know, and I will try to fix them as soon as I can. Constructive feedback is also welcome.

Worksheets for students: This material was distributed during the conference. It is intended for the interactive part of the lesson with the software. If you are not sure how to use these worksheet, please let us know.

We appreciate any constructive comments and suggestions. We would also like to know if you and your students enjoyed the lesson.

Please e-mail me at junes[at]calu.edu with your comments.