“Prizes, Ten Best Lists and Cultural Value"  

Honors 150: Honors Composition I
Autumn 2009
California University of Pennsylvania

3 credits
Honors 150/H2 10670 Honors 150/H3 10671
TTh 8.00 – 9.15 AM     TTh 12.30 – 1.45
Building A 144     Building A 144


M. G. Aune

Office Hours TTH 7.00-8.00, W 2.00 – 6.00 and by appointment


223 Azorsky Hall



Links, Documents, and Tips


The Nobel Prize

The Man Booker Prize

The Pulitzer Prize

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Award

The Polar Prize

The Golden Raspberry Award

The Praemium Imperiale


Nobel Presentation Speeches
Below are links to the Nobel Presentation speeches for the past four years.  They may be helpful to you in thinking and writing about Le Clezio, Pamuk, Lessing, Pinter, and Coetzee.

J.M.G Le Clezio

Doris Lessing

Orhan Pamuk

Harold Pinter

 J. M. Coetzee


The Literature Resource Center
The Literature Resource Center is an on-line reference available through Cal's library.  The link above takes you to the Library's homepage.  Click on the link More Try These First.  Scroll down until you see the link for Literature Resource Center.  You may search it by author or by title.  It has articles on most major authors, living and dead.  If you access the LRC from off campus, you will need to sign in with your user ID and password.


Standard Academic Usage

1. Titles of books, films, magazines and newspapers are in italics: Beloved, New York Times, The Godfather.  See PSM 85-86, 71-72.

2. Write out all numbers that are two words or fewer: one hundred, 352. See PSM 84.

3. Put all foreign words in italics, gaijin. See PSM 86.

4. The first time you refer to a person, use his or her full name; after that use only the last name.

5. Avoid slang and clichés. See PSM 16-18.

6. Always assume that you should use third person (he, she, it, one) rather than the first person (I, we) or second person (you), unless you check with the instructor first.

7. Place periods and commas inside quotation marks.  E.g. Shakespeare wrote, “To be or not to be.”  Not, Shakespeare wrote, “To be or not to be”.  See PSM 72.


Tips for Passing This (and any other) Class

1. Always have your homework assignment read, annotated, and be ready to ask and answer questions about it.

2. When emailing your instructor, always use a salutation (Dear…), identify yourself by your full name, and use a closing (Sincerely…).

3. Do not wait until the last minute to write and print your papers. 

4. Attend class punctually.

5. Get to know at least three other people.

6. Be familiar with Blackboard and all its features.

7. Visit the office hours of your instructor at least once per term.

8. Have a system for saving copies of all the papers you write, either on your own computer or on a flash drive.

9. Use a calendar to keep track of all your deadlines and assignments.

Nobel Prize in Literature Bibliography

English, James. The Economics of Prestige:  Prizes, Awards, and the Circulation of Cultural Value.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2005.
Espmark, Kjell. The Nobel Prize in Literature: A Study of the Criteria Behind the Choices. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1991.
“The Nobel Prize in Literature.” 2009. 26 August 2009.
Schuck, Henrick, et al. Nobel: The Man and His Prizes. 2nd. Ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1962).
Sohlman, Ragnar. Nobel: The Story Behind the Nobel Prizes. Trans. Elspeth Harley Schubert. London: Bodley Head, 1983.
Worek, Michael. Nobel: A Century of Prize Winners. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2008.


Nobel Prize in Literature: Alfred Nobel's Will



Group Forms
Group Member Evaluation Form
Peer Rating Form
These are the forms that you must complete for your group project.  Be sure to complete the forms entirely.  Do not forget to rate yourself.

This site was created for the use of students enrolled at California University of Pennsylvania by M.G. Aune. Last updated: 7 September 2009.