

You're on a Quest.  A Quest for knowledge.  Click on the underlined links below to go to the proper section.  Once there, read what is expected of you and follow the link to get the answer.  Good Luck!
click on the icon to e-mail your answers to me and to ask for further assistance.


Go to the following link: BioTech Link and read the articles on Costs and Benefits of BioTechnology.  After reading the articles, e-mail me a paragraph with your reaction on the costs and benefits of using this technology.

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Go to the following link: Communication Link and research statistics for assistive technology communications devices for the hearing impaired.  Assume that you are hearing-impaired, e-mail me what DEVICE or DEVICES you found available that would help you in the classroom.  In other words, how would you use this assistive technology communications device to complete the class assignments?

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Go to the following link Construction Link and e-mail your answer to the following questions:
1) What is the world's tallest building and where is it located?
2) How do engineers design buildings to resist wind?
3) What is a flying buttress and how was it used in Gothic architecture?
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Go to the following link GIS Link and e-mail your answer to the following questions:

Write a paragraph answering the question: What is GIS?
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Go to the following link: Manufacturing Link and e-mail three things that a manufacturing engineer does.

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Go to the following link Transportation Link and e-mail your response to the following:
1) What percentage of people in 2001 carpooled to work with 4 or more people?
2) How has this number changed in the last 15 years?
3) What effects do carpooling have on:
a) reliance on foreign oil?
b) the environment?
c) traffic problems?

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