Parasitology Exam


I.  Identify (40 points)

1.  coccidiosis, liver, rabbits

2.  Tunisia, flu symptoms, 2 sporocysts/oocyst

3.  bloody stools, ciliated

4.  heteroxenous, man-definitive host, cattle-intermediate

5.  commensal, 8 nuclei

6.  #1 parasite on WHO list

7.  commensal, oral, pseudopodium

8.  paludism, hemozoin, applique

9.  vivacious, enlarge RBCs, Duffy

10.  monoxenous, self-limiting, 900 1st generation merozoites

11.  homosexuals, traveler's disease, Flagyl

12.  2 sporocysts/oocyst, AIDS

13.  anopheline, 8-32 merozoites, erratic periodicity

14.  corneal ulcers, faculative

15.  likely zoonosis, low parasitemia, cosmopolitan but discontinuous distribution

16.  congential defects, ELISA, cats, rats

17.  appendix, Losch, higher #s in institutions

18.  nuclear power plants, flagella and pseudopodia

19.  iodophilic, uninucleate cyst

20.  persistent diarrhea, AIDS, cattle zoonosis?

II.  Compare the following organisms relative to: (20 points)

                           erythocytic periodicity       trophozoite,      schizont     genus of vector      relapse or recrudescence?

Plasmodium vivax

Plasmodium malaria

Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium ovale


III.  Compare genetic and acquired immunitiy.  Discuss these two types of immunity relative to Plasmodium.spp.  (10 points)


IV.  Give five epidemiologial factors which affect the continued success of the following organisms.  (15 points)

1.  Eimeria tenella

2.  Balantidium coli

3.  Entamoeba histolytica


V.  Draw the following and label the parts. (15 points)

1.  Iodamoeba butschlii cyst

2.  Gregarina polymorpha in syzygy

3.  Balantidium coli trophozoite

4.  Isospora hominis oocyst

5.  Plasmodium falciparum oocyst