I.                    Identify the amoeba, sporozoan or ciliate described below (40 points)

1.      bile ducts, lagomorphan host, oocysts


2.      Losch, filth flies, liver, cysts


3.      dysentery, cilia


4.      steak tartare, birth defects


5.      zoonosis, chimps


6.      contact lenses, facultative


7.      ticks, twins, RBCs


8.      hypnozoites, oval schizonts


9.      biflagellated and amoeboid, thermal pools


10.  glycogen vacuole, uninucleate


11.  Meckel, recrudescences up to 3 years, sequestered schizonts


12.  two sporocysts per oocyst, AIDS


13.  monoxenous, galliform host


14.  Duffy, temperate zones


15.  quadrinucleate, glycogen vacuole


16.  heteroxenous, large zoitocysts, cattle


17.  paludism, aestivoautumnal fever, high parasitemia


18.  commensal, oral, pseudopodia


19.  uninucleate cysts, large endosome


20.  diarrhea, apical complex, hidden spores









II.                 Matching (10 points)

1.      Acanthamoeba             _____              A.  Amoeba coli


2.      Toxoplasma gondii        _____              B.  quotidian periodicity


3.      Plasmodium vivax         _____              C.  quartan


4.      Eimeria porci                _____              D.  150 micrometers long


5.      Balantidium coli            _____              E.  corneal keratitis


6.      Naegleria fowleri          _____              F.  iodophilic vacuole


7.      Entamoeba histolytica   _____              G.  Tunisia


8.      Plasmodium malariae    _____              H.  large zoitocysts


9.      Sarcocystis muris          _____              I.  oocysts in pigs


10.  Iodamoeba butschlii      _____              J.  dead end host


K.  sticky schizonts



III.               Draw the following: (15 points)


1.      mature oocyst of Eimeria tenella





2.      RBC infected with Plasmodium falciparum





3.      a cyst of Iodamoeba butschlii





4.      the stage of Plasmodium infective to humans






5.      an oocyst of Isospora belli





IV.              Compare the Plasmodium species relative to the following: (20 points)


Unique feature        Symptom        Number of merozoites          Genus of           Relapse or

Of trophozoite        periodicity in schizont                     vector               recrudescence


Plasmodium vivax




Plasmodium falciparum




Plasmodium malariae




Plasmodium ovale





V.                 Provide five (5) epidemiological factors which enhance the spread of the following organisms. (15 points)


1.      Entamoeba histolytica






2.      Toxoplasma gondii






            3.  Plasmodium vivax